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Cost benefit analysis of hemp prohibition

...and what a policy!
America, land of prohibition and professional prisons. With Canada and Mexico following like children.

Moderators: deliriumt, milehigh, CoolZero

Cost benefit analysis of hemp prohibition

Postby Virgil » Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:26 am

I would like to thank HempCity for leaving some of my unfinished stuff up. It kind of upsets me that the US is run by war criminals and everyone is too stupid not to reject both political parties as criminal organizations.

I am working on a thread at ProgressiveIndepent wrapped around Paul Armentino recent piece. I will be editing this tomorrow as I turn to a more elaborate evaluation of this absurdity. Everything is about the class war and it will take me a while to frame it. But for now I just want to put up this link in case someone wants to see it as it develops- http://www.progressiveindependent.com/d ... c_id=81159
We are slaves to the corporations and the government is the overseer.
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